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CIRCLE2 addresses the issue of Circular Economy by breaking down traditional barriers between disciplines, integrating the circular economy into existing curricula in the tourism, agriculture and transport sectors. 


CIRCLE 2 is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project that combines education and economics, taking into account the increasing complexity of our time. The project, which focuses on the Circular Economy, aims to develop innovative training tools, with the objective of stimulating trainers' curiosity and strengthening students' key competences. 


As its name suggests, CIRCLE 2 is a development of the previous CIRCLE – “The Circular Economy through Integrated Learning in Vocational Educational Training” project. 

As such, it goes deeper into the subject of the circular economy, developing more applied educational resources with the same integrated teaching and learning methodology. 


In the framework of the EU implementation of the Circular Economy Action Plan, this project aims to create toolkits for teachers, trainers, mentors and other VET professionals to help them promote the knowledge of CE among their learners. 





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